quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2020

Color Adjectives - Word Search

Color Adjectives - Word Search
Related posts - Adjectives Lists:  Adjectives that start with A - Adjectives that start with B - Adjectives that start with C - Adjectives that start with D - Adjectives that start with E - Adjectives that start with F - Adjectives that start with G - Adjectives that start with H - Adjectives that start with I - Adjectives that start with J - Adjectives that start with K - Adjectives that start with L Adjectives that start with M - Adjectives that start with N - Adjectives that start with O - Adjectives that start with PAdjectives that start with Q - Adjectives that start with R - Adjectives that start with S - Adjectives that start with T - Adjectives that start with U - Adjectives that start with V - Adjectives that start with W - Adjectives that start with X - Adjectives that start with Y - Adjectives that start with Z.

Appearance Adjectives - Word Search

 Appearance Adjectives - Word Search

Related posts - Adjectives Lists:  Adjectives that start with A - Adjectives that start with B - Adjectives that start with C - Adjectives that start with D - Adjectives that start with E - Adjectives that start with F - Adjectives that start with G - Adjectives that start with H - Adjectives that start with I - Adjectives that start with J - Adjectives that start with K - Adjectives that start with L Adjectives that start with M - Adjectives that start with N - Adjectives that start with O - Adjectives that start with PAdjectives that start with Q - Adjectives that start with R - Adjectives that start with S - Adjectives that start with T - Adjectives that start with U - Adjectives that start with V - Adjectives that start with W - Adjectives that start with X - Adjectives that start with Y - Adjectives that start with Z.

Questão de PET - Um paralelepípedo reto retângulo tem diagonal medindo √14 cm

08 – Um paralelepípedo reto retângulo tem diagonal medindo 14 cm. Determine as medidas das três arestas sabendo que são números inteiros consecutivos.


Questão de PET - (Banco – Simave) Abaixo, o desenho mostra um bloco retangular

07 - (Banco – Simave) Abaixo, o desenho mostra um bloco retangular, cujas dimensões, em centímetros, são 3, 4 e x. A diagonal desse bloco mede 12 cm. 

O valor de x, em centímetro, é:


Questão de PET - (Banco – Simave) Na figura vê-se o desenho de um paralelepípedo reto retângulo

06 – (Banco – Simave) Na figura vê-se o desenho de um paralelepípedo reto retângulo. A diagonal desse paralelepípedo mede, em metros: